High School Application

Acceptance for high school student participation at KBHC is by qualifying application and is for students scheduled to graduate in 2024–2028. Enrollment is noncompetitive and first-come, first-served in order to enable a participant-to-faculty ratio of 4:1. This ensures that every participant has an unparalleled opportunity to improve their technique and musicianship. Students must be at least 14 years old as of June 8, 2024; presently in 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade; and currently studying horn privately on a regular basis.

For first-time high school applicants, the application includes a recording of your performance of repertoire of your choice, a short essay, and two recommendations. Your repertoire choices should demonstrate your artistic abilities.

For questions, please contact Peggy Moran, Executive Director (peggy@horncamp.org).

KBHC 2024 COVID-19 Policy

Although KBHC does not have a vaccination requirement for 2024, we encourage everyone to receive the latest CDC-recommended COVID-19 vaccinations before coming to camp. This is to protect the health of all participants, staff, and faculty, and to help ensure those attending camp are able to participate fully.

If you have respiratory virus symptoms or test positive for any respiratory illness, you should remain isolated until your symptoms have improved, you feel well enough to resume normal activities, and you are free of fever for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. You should also wear a mask when you are around others in indoor settings for a total of 10 days from when your symptoms started. A testing protocol will be determined closer to KBHC 2024 dependent on the current situation and recommendations. If you should test positive at KBHC camp staff will work with you to find outdoor playing opportunities, if feasible and weather permitting.


COST: $2,695 per week

Participants may choose to attend one or two weeks. The first day of each week is an arrival day. The last day of each week is a departure day, allowing 6 full days of instruction each week. Multiweek participants have two free days between sessions. Extra days are $75 each. You may arrive a day early for either week and/or stay an extra day at the end of Week 1. Please note: There is no tuition discount if you choose not to stay at the White Mountain School.

Competitive Scholarships

Full and partial scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis. For information regarding the scholarship application process, please click below.

Application Guide

For All High School Participants

Complete the online application form. If not applying for a scholarship, pay the deposit when you receive the invoice by email.

For First-Time High School Participants

1. Video Performance

If you are a first-time high school applicant and are applying for a scholarship, you do not need to submit multiple videos. You may submit only the scholarship application video.

If you are a first-time high school applicants and do not plan to apply for a scholarship, you must submit a video performance of up to three minutes in length. You may include any repertoire you wish. Please select repertoire that you feel best represents your artistic abilities. You may excerpt from recordings of solo recitals if you wish. Accompaniment is acceptable but not required.

When Creating Your Video

  1. State your name.
  2. State the current date.
  3. State whether you are a high school participant, college participant, or an adult participant (post-college).
  4. Play your musical material. Remember, if you wish to perform on a participant concert, your material must be the solo that you intend to perform.

How to Submit Your Video Performance

  1. Login to Google (or create a free account at google.com).
  2. Go to YouTube.
  3. Click on the Create icon (top, right-hand side of the page).   
  4. Select “Upload Video.”
  5. Follow the prompts to upload your video.
  6. Change the title of your video to “Your last name – High School Video Performance.” For example, the subject heading for Bernhard Scully’s playing assessment would be “Scully – High School Video Performance.”
  7. Select “No, it’s not made for kids.”
  8. Click on “Next” until the “Visibility” menu comes up.
  9. Select “Unlisted.”
  10. Click “Save.”
  11. Copy the video link and paste it into an email with the subject heading “Your last name – High School Video Performance.” (“Scully – High School Video Performance,” for example.)


Send your playing assessment to julie@horncamp.org by May 1st. 

2. Essay

Submit a short essay, 500 to 600 words in length, on the following subject:

Why I Wish to Participate at KBHC in 2024

Send your essay to applications@horncamp.org. Please include your first and last name in the subject line of the e-mail in addition to the words, “KBHC Application Essay.”

3. Private Teacher Recommendation

Send the recommendation form link to your private horn teacher and ask them to fill it out and submit it. 

If you are a first-time high school applicant and are applying for a scholarship, your private teacher only needs to fill out one recommendation. 

4. Second Recommendation

Send the recommendation form link to another musician who knows you or your work well, such as:

  • A school band or orchestra director
  • A youth orchestra conductor or section coach
  • A second instrument private teacher
  • An all-state conductor, or section coach

If you are a first-time high school applicant and are applying for a scholarship, your second recommender only needs to fill out one recommendation.