Applying for a Scholarship

Note: All scholarship application materials must be submitted by March 1.

Note: Before completing the scholarship application, you should first complete the regular camp application.

Please read the following instructions carefully and follow everything exactly. We reserve the right to reject any applications which do not follow these instructions to the letter. If you have any questions, please contact us for assistance at

If you apply for a scholarship, then a deposit is not due until April 15. However, we encourage you to pay the deposit, if possible, when you receive the invoice by email after you submit your application. Paying a deposit guarantees the priority order of your application. A scholarship application alone will not automatically reserve you a place at camp, and we usually fill up in early spring. If you are awarded a full scholarship and have already sent a deposit, it will be refunded. 

For the playing portion of the application, submit a video of the applicant playing the material and upload it to YouTube. The video must show the applicant playing their instrument. Still images or a black screen are not acceptable. Audition repertoire information is provided below.

We reserve the right to reject any application which is missing material or is of poor audio quality.

Recommendation forms must be submitted online directly by the recommenders. Links to these forms are provided below.

Scholarship Application Guide

Fill out and submit the online scholarship application form. Before you complete the form, read through all of these instructions. You will need your essay, resume, YouTube video link, and recommender names and email addresses in order to complete the form.

Applicants must write an essay describing why they are applying for a scholarship, how this scholarship relates to their career objectives, and why they need financial assistance to attend KBHC. Please describe how attending KBHC will aid your pursuit of your musical goals, whether that be as a performer, educator, composer, music therapist, music administrator, or avid musician with other career goals. Financial need is an important part of the decision-making process for this scholarship, so please provide us with as much detail as you are comfortable with. The essay should be at least 200 words and no longer than one page. Send the essay as a PDF attachment to no later than March 1. In the subject line of your email, include your full name and “Scholarship Essay.”

Applicants must submit a current and up-to-date musical resume. Send your resume as a PDF attachment to, no later than March 1. In the subject line of your email, include your full name and “Scholarship Musical Resume.”

 YouTube video audition format
  1. State your name.
  2. State the current date.
  3. State whether you are auditioning as a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student.
  4. Play all of your musical material without any edits between selections, stating the title of each selection before you begin to play it.
  5. If you are playing with an accompanist or ensemble for any portion of your audition, you may submit those recordings as separate YouTube links.
  6. Save your video as an unlisted video.
  7. Include the link to your audition video in the online application form.

See the Video Audition Recording Tips page for additional information.

Please send the recommendation form link to your current horn teacher fill out and ask them to submit a recommendation form on your behalf.

Please send the recommendation form link to one other person (not a member of your family) who knows you and your musical background well, and ask them to submit it on your behalf.

Audition Repertoire

Applicants may play up to 5 minutes of horn music that best represents them artistically. This could include traditional horn repertoire (solos, etudes, orchestra/band excerpts), works by underrepresented composers, the applicant’s original arrangements or compositions, and the applicant’s improvisations. It is recommended to perform 2-4 contrasting selections demonstrating different aspects of the applicant’s artistry.

Please include all selections in one unedited take. You may use piano, ensemble, or technological accompaniment if you wish, but it is not required.

Optional: Applicants are encouraged to share any of their other creative work, musical or otherwise, and information about themselves that they feel would more broadly represent them as a person and as an artist. Fields for sharing this work and information are provided within the scholarship application form.

Other Information

Cormont Music, the 501(c)(3) parent organization of Kendall Betts Horn Camp and Horn Camp Connect, was founded in 1997 by Kendall Betts in order to be able to accept tax deductible donations and provide scholarships to students.  Since the establishment of Cormont Music, more than 140 full-tuition scholarships as well as many partial scholarships to KBHC have been awarded.  

The purpose of the scholarships is to give an opportunity to participate at KBHC 2024 to promising, highly motivated, deserving horn students which they would not otherwise have. To that end, any applicant eligible to attend KBHC may apply for a scholarship valued at up to one full week of tuition, room and board at KBHC 2024: June 8 – 15 or June 16 – 23. KBHC applicants must be aged 14 and older as of June 8, 2024 and must currently be studying horn privately. Scholarship recipients will be selected on the basis of performance ability, personal motivation, character, and a demonstrated need for financial aid in order to attend KBHC.