Online Playing Assessment

The Kendall Betts Horn Camp community is a gathering of hornists spanning a wide range of ability levels in a non-competitive, supportive environment. In order to place you in the masterclass group and ensemble best-suited to your current needs, our artistic team would like to hear a few minutes of your playing.

This year, all participants are asked to submit their playing assessments online. 

(Note: if you are a first-time high school participant, or if you are applying for a scholarship, you will be providing a separate video recording of your playing, and do not need to do the playing assessment described here.)

If you have fancy recording equipment, you may choose to use it, but a video recording made on your phone is sufficient for our purposes.This is not an audition, nor will it be used to rank participants; it simply helps us to best serve each participant for an optimal KBHC experience. 

Videos should last no longer than 3 minutes. If your video is longer than 3 minutes, we will only listen to the first three minutes. Feel free to start in the middle of your selection if that is the portion that you want us to hear.

What to Play:

If you would like to perform a solo on one of our participant concerts, your playing assessment must be a portion of that solo. If you do not wish to perform a solo on one of our participant concerts, your playing assessment may consist of repertoire of your choice.

When Creating Your Video:

  1. State your name.
  2. State the current date.
  3. State whether you are a high school participant, college participant, or an adult participant (post-college).
  4. Play your musical material. Remember, if you wish to perform on a participant concert, your material must be the solo that you intend to perform.

How to Submit Your Online Playing Assessment:

  1. Login to Google (or create a free account at
  2. Go to YouTube.
  3. Click on the Create icon (top, right-hand side of the page).
  4. Select “Upload Video.”
  5. Follow the prompts to upload your video.
  6. Change the title of your video to “Your last name – Playing Assessment.” For example, the subject heading for Bernhard Scully’s playing assessment would be “Scully – Playing Assessment.”
  7. Select “No, it’s not made for kids.”
  8. Click on “Next” until the “Visibility” menu comes up.
  9. Select “Unlisted.”
  10. Click “Save.”
  11. Copy the video link and paste it into an email with the subject heading “Your last name – Playing Assessment.” (“Scully – Playing Assessment,” for example.


Send your playing assessment link to by May 1st.